Project and Optimization

Design and optimization of compressed air systems / steam / fluid

The focus on innovation and integration of engineering disciplines and techniques of early diagnosis that we use on virtually any type of plant, give us the opportunity to help design changes, improvements in reliability and maintainability, as well as to support the customer during the cost-benefit analyzes.

Steam Plant

In steam systems without an inspection and reparation program, the percentage of steam trap failures can reach 50%, an amount that is significantly reduced with six-monthly or annual inspections and immediate repairs..

Inspections with the Airborne Ultrasound can reveal the condition of each steam trap, and many manufacturers, including Spirax Sarco, recommend using the Ultraprobe the EU Systems. Ultrasounds are particularly suited to steam maintenance because the operator can hear what's going on within the system and make more informed decisions, while the plant is running

Some Ultraprobe have a built-in software, which allows you to create inspection routes, keep a record of the conditions of each trap and report or repair orders.

Infrared cameras are also well suited to quickly check the efficiency of a steam trap, at a distance and can be included in an inspection program based on ultrasound, to provide a more complete assessment of the situation.


Registered Office

Via Giacomo Leopardi, 14
20123 Milano (MI) Italy

Operating Office

Via Eleuterio Pagliano 40
20149 Milano (MI) Italy


Ph. +39 02 45486344

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Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA: 06791800961
Repertorio Economico Amm.: 1916135

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