Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is the relationship between what has been achieved in terms of products and services and the energy used for the purpose. The less energy is used, the greater the efficiency of the process leading to a certain service / product.

In physics and engineering, energy efficiency is defined as a dimensionless number with a value between 0 and 1, or, when multiplied by 100, is expressed in percentage. The energy efficiency of a process is defined as:


Efficiency formula


Improving energy efficiency, and the resulting energy savings can be achieved through technologies, components and more or less complex systems, and by the more conscious and responsible behavior of the final users.


Why Energy Saving

Approaching the world of energy savings is natural to ask: Why we should make a production system more efficient?

The environmental problems linked to global warming and pollution as well as the importance of thinking to a more sustainable development, are well known to everybody.

These issues have been raised several times and by various institutions. Initially it was just a scientific debate, but then the debate has widened to environmental groups and opinion until it touches the national and international institutions. Just think of the election campaigns of Al Gore and Obama for president of the United States of America or any international agreement on climate like that of Kyoto. Lately even Pope Francis took a stand on environmental issues, in the encyclical "Praise" dedicated to ecology or the "mother earth."

A first and important reason is surely to preserve the world around us and in which we live, and ultimately preserve ourselves and our children.

However, the obvious objection that is raised in this statement: "I am the owner of a company, not a charity, my goal is profit not save the planet."

This statement is daughter of a faulty logic, which sees energy efficiency as something economically wasteful that has been made interesting only with government incentives, but it is also forgotten that neglecting the energy efficiency implies a "hidden cost in the balance sheet items" that is not carefully considered.

This cost, , for example, is hidden in the power consumption due to the losses of compressed air distribution line or because of non-recovery of waste heat from a process with natural gas.

One of the most important goals of Auditech is to carry out audits designed specifically for your company with the aim to assess what are the most cost-effective energy efficiency measures that can be economically sustainable without government incentives.

Our first energy audit is an important step in understanding what actions to take to optimize energy consumption.

Registered Office

Via Giacomo Leopardi, 14
20123 Milano (MI) Italy

Operating Office

Via Eleuterio Pagliano 40
20149 Milano (MI) Italy


Ph. +39 02 45486344

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