Mechanical Inspection

Auditech carries out a series of inspections on the main mechanical components of an industrial plant, with the aim of increasing safety and reliability of the plants.

Often the breaking of a simple bearing or blocking of a valve can cause serious damage to machinery or in the worst case the stoppage of the production. In these cases we have to be worried about the consequences of a possible rupture and not for the cost of the component. The savings is in the avoided costs related to sudden breakage.

Our mechanical inspections are carried out with the ultrasonic instrumentation because ultrasounds allows to detect the abnormality before any other mechanical technique.

The instruments used during our inspections enables us to listen to the quality of the detected ultrasound with headphones using the heterodyne phenomenon and to record it.

The recording signal is a key step for obtaining a quality analysis. In fact, it allows us to analyze the signal through a dedicated software and to make a more accurate diagnosis.

If necessary, our inspections may be supported by other tests such as vibration analysis.

Registered Office

Via Giacomo Leopardi, 14
20123 Milano (MI) Italy

Operating Office

Via Eleuterio Pagliano 40
20149 Milano (MI) Italy


Ph. +39 02 45486344

Iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA: 06791800961
Repertorio Economico Amm.: 1916135

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